

Gus Presa | President of WWSA

Name:Gus Presa
Age: 47 (nacido en 1969)
Address: Sevilla (España)
Occupation: Geógrafo (Network development, ENDESA)
Waveski since: 2005 (Sit On Top, 2003)
website: http://www.waveski.es/
Favourite break: Caños de Meca (Cádiz, Andalucía, España)

Olá Gus. Diz-nos... como foi esta tua candidatura e vitória para a presidência da WWSA?
Realmente no hubo tal candidatura. Surgió de forma natural, me propusieron el reto de liderar un cambio y simplemente acepté. La gente votó y salí elegido.
Quiero resaltar que considero mi presencia en esta posición dentro de un enfoque de trabajo en equipo (apoyándome en un comité muy fuerte) y con un horizonte temporal limitado, hasta que los más jóvenes se vean con la confianza de asumir ellos mayores responsabilidades.

Já eras um dos vice-presidentes da WWSA. Estava nos teus planos chegar ao topo da hierarquia?
En 2014 (Durban) me llevé una gran sorpesa al ser propuesto y elegido como vice-presidente. En 2016 (Santa Cruz) se repitió la historia, esta vez para el puesto de máxima responsabilidad. Por lo tanto, la respuesta es no, nunca planeé llegar a esta posición.
Simplemente se dieron las circunstancias para ello y acepté el reto y la responsabilidad que conlleva.

Sabemos que estás a re-organizar a tua equipa de trabalho. Quais as principais novidades?
Hace relativamente poço tiempo que hemos acabado el Mundial, y todavía hay mucha gente de viaje y/o recuperándose. El primer paso es realizar un buen traspaso de responsabilidades y roles. Una vez comuniquemos públicamente la composición del nuevo comité, podremos empezar a trabajar de forma autónoma. En cualquier caso, como principales novedades (que no las únicas), destacar la entrada en el equipo de nombres tan conocidos como Ian MacLeod, Clement Guilbert, Adam Harvey, Savannah Campell, Miguel Fernández (vice-presidente por España, al haber ganado la organización del próximo mundial)… También destaco el “fichaje” de Alizée Forestier para llevar temas relacionados con el “website y social media”. Este aspecto lo considero básico para promocionar la modalidad y lo trabajaremos de forma muy intensa. Y qué decir de los nombres que siguen, Doug Copeland, Pablo Arroays, Virgile Humbert o Marcus Thompson. Que aportan la experiencia a este grupo con tanto potencial.

E sobre o futuro da WWSA... que planos tens?
En primer lugar, hay que aprovechar el tirón del último mundial, donde acudieron 91 participantes siendo muchos de ellos muy jóvenes. También tuvimos por primera vez la modalidad de waveski adaptado y la categoría femenina creció en número de participantes. Ahora toca consolidar esta tendencia, crecer en esta línea. Por otra parte estoy contactando con los representantes nacionales, y se ve un gran entusiasmo y movimiento en la zona del continente americano, así que es otro foco de atención y seguimiento, una vez que en Europa parece que ya se ha generado una masa crítica aceptable. Tampoco nos olvidamos del hemisferio sur (entendiendo como tal a Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica), donde históricamente siempre el waveski ha tenido gran presencia.

Al margen de las consideraciones anteriores, decir que prestaremos especial atención a tres pilares fundamentales,
• Jóvenes
• Mujeres
• Waveski adaptado
Hay grupos de trabajo específicos para el desarrollo de los aspectos anteriores.

También trabajaremos en mejorar aspectos como el “seeding”, haciendo este proceso lo más transparente posible, teniendo un ránking publicado y permanentemente actualizado. Finalmente (aunque hay muchas otras cosas que no estoy citando), decir que una de las cosas que quiero aportar es la posibilidad de consultar nuestra información oficial en varios idiomas. No solo en inglés, si no también en español, portugués y francés (esto como mínimo)

Jackie Dillon esteve 17 anos na WWSA sendo presidente nos últimos sete anos- Que balanço fazes do seu trabalho?
Antes de entrar a valorar este aspecto, vaya por delante el agradecimiento (personal) por haber puesto todo de su parte para que la transición en la presidencia haya sido tan buena. También destacaría la impecable organización del área documental que nos deja en herencia. Además, como su trabajo ha sido tan riguroso y de tanta calidad, nos marca unas pautas que seguiremos. Todos sabemos la importancia que Jackie ha tenido en la WWSA y esperamos seguir contando con su experiencia y valiosos consejos. Queremos agradecerle los servicios prestados con alguna sorpresa que en breve anunciaremos.

Como vês o futuro do nosso desporto?
Ya comente antes que el éxito indudable del Mundial 2016, con 91 participantes, nos hace pensar que hay potencial y que estamos creciendo. Esto sin duda lo vamos a aprovechar y se tiene que reflejar en 2018, con una mayor cifra de participantes y, sobre todo, en los apartados de jóvenes, mujeres y atletas “adaptados”. Así que, contestando a tu pregunta, veo un buen futuro, sin perder la perspectiva de que somos y seguiremos siendo una modalidad minoritaria.

Sei que és um visitante assíduo a Portugal :) O que te traz tanta vez até nós?
Realmente surfeo más en Portugal que en España. Esto es debido a la relativa cercanía de mi lugar de residencia (Sevilla) con un entorno muy favorable para practicar nuestro deporte. La zona de Sagres (Algarve) la tengo a tres horas de coche, así que muchos fines de semana se me puede encontrar por allí. Hay que tener en cuenta que la temporada de olas en el Sur de España se limita a cinco meses (de octubre a febrero), con lo que la opción más sólida suele ser Portugal. De todas maneras ya no son solo las olas. Disfrutamos mucho con el ambiente en general, la amabilidad de la gente, los paisajes, la gastronomía…

E sobre 2018 em Pantin... mais uma grande conquista para o waveski ibérico!
Este ha sido un tema que ha llevado directamente el equipo de Dani Pérez e Iván Pena. Sabemos que el logro no es ajeno al estupendo trabajo desarrollado en los años precedentes, con todas la ediciones del Xtreme Pantín y, muy especialmente, el Mundial de Kayaksurf que organizaron en 2015. Así que tenemos una organización de calidad contrastada y una zona (Galicia) con olas de calidad e infraestructura suficiente para que los participantes y acompañantes tengan la oportunidad de disfrutar de un evento inolvidable. Si te digo la verdad, me emocionó más el hecho de que Pantín fuera elegida sede del próximo Mundial que la sorpresa de salir elegido presidente. Ahora tenemos que aprovechar la oportunidad y hacer algo realmente grande entre todos.

Últimas palavras...
Agradecerte la oportunidad de presentarme en público a la “waveski family” (cómo me gusta este término) y decirte que te agradezco personalmente el esfuerzo que siempre haces en pro de la modalidad. No descubro nada si te digo que muchas veces lo he tomado de ejemplo.

Obrigado Gus e todo o sucesso para a WWSA :)



Gus Presa | WWSA President

Gus Presa was born in 1969, deputy in Seville and is a Geographer. He’s sportsman from an early age as a basketball player, he awakened years later to waves, and in 2003 he began surfing waves with a sit-on-top kayak. Two years later, he had his first waveski and ... never stopped! In the middle, he launched the website waveski.es where he publishes all his surfing as well as news related to the sport. He loves to surf in our country - where he is a presence more than usual in all our events - but his favorite spot is in Caños de Meca (Cadiz, Andalusia). He has surfed several countries and participated in several waveski worldwide and this year he took another step towards defending and passion for the waveski as he assumed the presidency of the World Association. In short, we have more than enough reason to talk to the new president!

Hi Gus. Tell us ... how was your candidacy and victory for the presidency of WWSA (World Waveski Association)?
In fact, there was no application. It came about in a natural way. They proposed to me the challenge of leading change, and I simply accepted it. People voted and I was elected. I want to point out that I consider myself to be in this position based on teamwork (leaning on a strong committee) and with a limited time horizon until the younger ones see each other in confidence to take on more responsibility.

You were one of WWSA's vice presidents. Was it in your plans to reach the top of the hierarchy?
In 2014 (Durban, South Africa), I was surprised to be proposed and elected as vice president. In 2016 (Santa Cruz, Portugal), the story was repeated but, this time, for the position of greater responsibility. So the answer is no. I never planned to reach this position. The circumstances were simply created for this and I accepted the challenge and the responsibility it entails.

We know you're reorganizing your workforce. What are the main news?
The first step is to carry out a good transfer of responsibilities and charges. Once we publish the composition of the new committee, we can start working autonomously. Ian McLeod, Clement Guilbert, Adam Harvey, Savannah Campbell, Miguel Fernandéz (Vice-President of Spain, who will be organizing the next one), are the main innovations (and not the only ones). World), among others. I also note the confirmation from Alizée Forestier that will collaborate with the WWSA website and our social networks. I consider this aspect essential for the promotion of the modality and we will work it very intensely. We can not forget other names like Doug Copeland, Pablo Arrouays,Virgile Humbert or Marcus Thompson that bring much experience to this group with so much potential.

And what about the future of WWSA ... what plans do you have?
First of all, it is necessary to take advantage of the legacy of the last world-wide one where 91 athletes participated, being many of them young people. We also had the adapted waveski for the first time and the female category grew in the number of participants. Now it is time to consolidate this trend and grow in this horizon. On the other hand, I am contacting the national delegates and there is a great enthusiasm and movement, particularly in the American continent. This is another focus of attention since, in Europe, an acceptable critical mass seems to have been created. Nor have we forgotten the southern hemisphere (Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) where, historically, the waveski has always had a great presence.

Apart from the above considerations, I say that we will pay special attention to three fundamental pillars: young people, women and adapted waveski. There are specific working groups for the development of each of these areas.
We will also work on improving aspects such as seeding and making this process as transparent as possible and based on a published and permanently updated ranking.
Finally, and there are still a number of aspects that I am not quoting, I say that one of the things I also want to develop is to make it possible to consult our information in several languages. Not only in English, but also in Spanish, Portuguese and French (it's the minimum).

Jackie Dillon has been 17 years at the WWSA as president for the past seven years. What do you do with your work?
Before I begin to appreciate this aspect, I would like to express my thanks (personal) for doing everything to make this presidency transition so good. I also highlight the impeccable documentary organization that leaves us as an inheritance. Moreover, since your work has been so rigorous and of such quality, it will only inspire us to do so. We all know the importance that Jackie has had in the WWSA and we hope to have your experience and valuable advice. We want to thank you for the services provided with a surprise that we will soon announce.

How do you see the future of our sport?
I have already mentioned that the undoubted success of the 2016 World Cup, with 91 participants, makes us think that there is potential and that we are growing. We will undoubtedly enjoy this fact and will have to be reflected in 2018, with a greater number of participants and, above all, in the classes of young people, women and athletes adapted. In this way, and answering your question, I see a good future, without losing the perspective that we are and will continue to be a minority modality.

I know you're a frequent visitor to Portugal :) What brings you so much to us?
In fact, I surf more in Portugal than in Spain. This is due to the relative proximity of Seville (where I live) and because I find very favorable conditions for the practice of our sport. The area of Sagres (Algarve) is a three hour drive, so there are many weekends where you can find me there. It should be taken into account that the wave season in the south of Spain is limited to five months (from October to February), hence the most robust wave option is Portugal. Either way, it's not just waves anymore. We thoroughly enjoyed the whole environment, for the kindness of the people, landscape, gastronomy ...

And about 2018 in Pantin ... more a great achievement for the Iberian waveski!
This is a theme that directly involves the team of Dani Pérez and Ivan Pena. We know that all the excellent work that they have developed in previous years with the editions of Xtreme Pantin and, especially, the Kayaksurf World Championship 2015, for that they contributed. Thus, we will have a confirmed quality organization and a region (Galicia) with quality waves and sufficient infrastructure so that the participants and companions have the opportunity to enjoy an unforgettable event. To tell you the truth, I was more moved by the fact that Pantin was chosen as the host of the next Wavesi World, rather than by the surprise of being elected president. Now we have to seize the opportunity and do something really great among everyone.

Last words...
Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to introduce myself to the whole "waveski family" - as I like to affirm - and to tell you that I thank you personally for the effort you have always made in favor of the sport. It will not be new if I tell you that I have taken it many times as an example.

Thank you Gus! Congratulations and all the success for WWSA



KAYAKSURF CHICAMA by Maurício Borsari

"Luis did this trip because it was part of an old dream, since it had already surfed Reglan in New Zealand with a good swell (one of the candidates the longest wave in the world when it connects mented sessions). Always heard of Chicama as the title holder and thus was born this desire to know to compare and can have my own opinion about it. This year, I could finally experience Chicama in a very good condition and the bottom rarely held the two experiences that I recommend, but undoubtedly the wave more logs already surfed in Chicama was filmed and timed with 2'11 '' out of "el point" and going to the middle of "el hombre" and getting very tired is an amazing feeling ...

 The equipment used remain the same Mega Proton, select rowing and exit peak. The trip took place between 19 and March 25 when I went with a friend of surfing short board and long he had gone about 4 times. In fact the surfing season is considered from April to October, but locals say easily find good waves between March and November.

 The basic script after you arrive to Lima, consists of a local flight to Trujillo, about 1 hour and 1 minute Trujillo drive to the beach Malabrigo. In fact, considering the timing of our connections, this script took 1 full day but allowed lunch in Lima which is a fantastic experience.

 In relation to forecast the expected swell would have its peak on day 7 with waves 23 'and 15s period but have begun working on day 20. Indeed, the waves materialized as expected and as best drop the end of afternoon of 23 as the wind stopped and the series continued to be pumped. The waves were connected, one behind the other and there were few people in the water since everyone had surfed many waves in the morning and little energy left over for later ...

 Some interesting information: the wave has the title of surfable wave (ocean) longest in the world which makes a Cirquito 2.2 km surfable wall when they connect the 5 sessions: "el point", "them from the teats," " el hotel "," el hombre "and" el malecon "providing more than 2'30 '' surf. The return to the initial peak "el point" is by boat, in this case a zodiac because it is a bass boat easy operation for kayaks.

 Two other important information to consider for those who go surfing in Chicama: the first is the current at the peak that is significant will change according to the direction and strength of the swell, but is always there when you have waves. Another aspect is that if for some reason you do not complete the wave, you can position yourself to surf the next available, and this ends up giving a spread in the crowd that is relatively large in the good days.

 The Wave offers maneuverable walls with faster times and more mellow moments and hopefully over the direction of the swell, until not very deep tubes sessions. When you connect all the sessions, the main factor to consider to keep doing maneuvers from start to finish is the fitness. "



KAYAKSURF Maldivas 2015 by Maurício Borsari

New trip till Maldives! Pasta Point and Sultans surf spots.



KAYAKSURF MALDIVAS by Maurício Borsari

The trip took place 05-20 of August and as usual I was on the island that has the wave of Pasta Point.

Interestingly this year in Indian Ocean waves season that runs from June to September for example Indonesia was served by several large swells, as Maldives despite not being far from Indonesia this year was not covered with a rich season for big swells, but for small and medium swells with great quality and little wind.

The surf during the stay was mainly Pasta Point a wonderful left with a wall in the first session, causing the surfer speed up to reach the second session (more tubular part of the wave) in a point being that the pipe runs right above that reef as the tide is very shallow water at the waist.
The other wave that was part of the trip was Sultan's which is on the island in front of a 5 minute boat or 15 minutes paddling kayak, a very consistent right with a peak further out and other innermost of a fantastic quality, but His fame she is very busy with several charter boats's anchored in the wave, on the same island, but on the other edge of the reef has Honky's one good left and as the direction of the swell it begins across from Sultan's and will circling the island (spectacular ).

Finally the next island peak known for Jail's name because of the old prison on the island and is a right a little more melow frequented mainly by long board, but a lot of quality as well.

In 2014, from 4 to 11 August happened the Four Seasons Maldives Surfing Champions Trophy in Sultan's being a championship with a different format with 6 guests including Dave Rastovich, Fabio Gouveia, Sunny Garcia and Rochelle Ballard running batteries with monoquilhas, biquilhas, triquilhas and long boards, I could follow a few batteries because enjoyed to surf these times.

Here are a few photos with the surf just the Dhara authoring Pasta Point, a photo of arrival at Hulele airport that already gives a visual of how will be the trip of vibe an aerial photo of the hotel where is Pasta Point and one of the islands where is Sultan's and Honky's and other's Island Jail, a picture of the lagoon with the new generation and that's it.




INDO Surf Trip | Waveski

Indo Surf trip
"September Sessions – Were two days of flights and connections from Sao Paulo - Brazil to arrive in Indonesia's perfect waves, where my surftrip started as the vast majority , except for two things in my luggage that are unusual around these waters , my waveski and my wheelchair. Although knowing that I would face several difficulties in the way, as access to beaches and shallow reefs, I was ready to face them and, knowing that while I had my friends around everything would work out well.

Arriving in KUTA, center of BALI, we had a culture shock of the rich and unique Balinese culture with its temples and barongs, chaotic traffic cars, motorcycles, and bicycles, and in the midst of it all , I felt part of the chaos moving through the streets. To move between beaches and cities, we’ve rent a car, going to the first destination, Balangan beach, with fast and long left waves with several barrel sections in a heavenly and accessible place, where we spent the next four days eating Nazi goreng and drinking bintangs, surfing perfect waves getting used to the shallow reefs that I would get for the rest of the trip .

After this period in BALI, we took the ferry to the island of Lombok were we embarked on a small boat that took us to surf the breaks of OUTSIDE EKAS with long and heavy 8 foot waves, and INSIDE EKAS with lefts and rights manoeuvrable 6 feet waves to the night. In the following days we surfed the wave of MAUI, manoeuvrable rights and lefts rolling the bench. After six days in LOMBOK we heard about a new swell and decided to take the ferry to the next island called SUMBAWA to the famous and feared wave of SUPER SUCKS.

When we arrived at the beach, we saw the water be sucked at the big and colorful coral heads in a shallow and sharp reef, and a long wide and quick left tubes that earned us the best tubes of the journey for the next 6 days. Between surf sessions we were surprised with the various events in the region, such as, cockfights watered with bintangs roads crowded by monkeys, bikes with 5 people at once, etc. Our return back to BALI lasted 17hours by car and two ferries, and getting there we went straight to the airport to pick up 2 flights to PADANG in WEST SUMATRA, where we’ve taken the boat to the MENTAWAI islands. We boarded the boat BINTANG, a sailboat of 115 feet, very comfortable and with a great crew.

Upon entering the boat I was spreading ropes in strategic places to help my moving around the deck and in the cabins because my wheelchair did not go through several places, but with time I got used to the rocking of the boat and started to feel at home, spending the next twelve days between free diving sessions, fishing, lots of food and beer, while perfect waves as EBAY, PIT STOPS , ICELANDS, SCARE CROWS, LANCES L, HT’S, MACARRONIS, RAGS L and THUNDERS rolled right in front of the boat.

In the two biggest and best days we take a ripple of 8 feet in the LANCES L and HT 'S region. In LANCES L, jump into the water and we face with long, manoeuvrable lefts with wide tubes in the first sections of the bench, then straight after we went to the nearby wave called HT 'S, with a scary right of hollow tubes, breaking into a very shallow and sharp reef called the surgeon table, where I had the worst wipe-out of the trip, breaking a paddle and cutting the hands and fingers in several places, but the next day the same bench gave us the best waves of the entire trip. Upon returning to the port of PADANG, after spending a total of 40 days traveling around Indonesia, we began our return to home having sure that some day I will return. "



Kayaksurf Greece | ENGLISH VERSION

Report by Yassen Zhelyazkov:

We thought about the Greek surf spots from long time. We learn about them from our friends - surfers and the FB page "surfing in greece"
And finally we took a trip to the closest places in Aegean sea. The forecast was good two days strong- S - SW wind, that will make big waves, and then to turn from the west, which change the shape of the waves.

In the first day we get to Chalkidiki Peninsula - the middle one finger - named Sitonia. According to the local surfers the best spot there is Kalamitsi Beach. But the waves was too small there. In front of Sarti village there is a big and open beach where we found those conditions - short period, but nice and long waves up to 1m. Warm water, sun and excellent weather. And this beautiful view to Mount Athos.It is already out of the touristic season, and the beaches are empty.

In the second day the storm should beat direct to the area of Kavala. It means some waves west form Kavala and even till Asprovalta town - deep in the bay. There was waves. Big waves. Especially after the wind turned from the west we found huge tubes.
Only the surf board riders took them. We'v just wait till the size fall enough for our skills. At the end we did few waves, but I did not liked the sports near Asprovalta, because the water there is very muddy. The reason for it is Struma river, that flows very close.

The next destination is Ionian sea - Parga (Kastro), Amoudia... In the pictures looks great .Well - we will see...

People: Ilia Iliev and me - Yassen Zhelyazkov

Equipment :
- RPF Diamond
- RPF Blast





This season (June 2014) Indonesia received very swell and ended up causing many accidents including some fatal. In the region of Telo during this period received two swells with good size and we had no major problems, just minor accidents, including one where I broke my two paddles in the stands reef and some cuts on the face because of a very fast, shallow wave and well tubular.

Another interesting fact is that was with us at the surf camp for about six days, the professional surfer Mitch Crews who runs the WCT and had just closed a sponsorship with REEF and was making a promotional film. We had some surf sessions together and even still being a promise of success in the WCT, it is always good to see high-level surfing perfect waves closely.

Regarding peaks surfed this year were Bubble Max's left Max's right, Le-BA and G.T's, the latter being a well tubular and fast wave that runs on top of a shallow counter providing a good tube but the same time a very sinister look. It was there in one of these waves that scraped the guy in the background taking a bruising on the forehead and nose, but nothing severe.

The equipment remains the same, Mega Proton (Kayak), Select crossover (paddle) and PEAKUK skirt.




by Oded Davidovitch

It was the second time that a group of us, “Israeli Waveski & surf kayak surfers”, have decided to leave our dry homeland to the tropical waves of Sri Lanka. The chosen spot was “Arugam Bay” which is the most significant surfing site in Sri Lanka. From May, “Arugam Bay”, gets a beautiful 2-4 feet swell which only grows, towards June and July. The surf is just wonderful and the water is warm and nice. You can find yourself surfing up to 300 meters long which is considered as fairly short regarding the latest months of the season.

One of us, “Udi Vitman” who was in Sri Lanka last year, had arranged everything in advance: transportation from the airport to the location and a great guest house with fairly good rooms and nice food. In addition, He had contacted a professional photographer from Colombo who joined us and accompanied us taking pictures and videos. We could look at them in the evenings and talk about how to improve style and surf technique. Most of the time we surfed the “Main Point” with twenty or thirty people in the water. The atmosphere was quite friendly and there was no need to make a fight for a wave. (Well, we are in our 40’s, so here’s an adventage of getting old and smart…). Being so, we ended our surf sessions with numerous waves and good chats with our fellow surfers. One of the locals (An amazing surfer) insisted to try a waveski and strived to catch some waves. Well, 10 minutes in the water were enough to convince him that it takes a bit more to get along with this wild horse. So, that’s about it.

Our big recommendation for those among us who go for a surf trip, is to well prepare your body for such an intense experience (Surfing about 5-6 hours a day). If not, then prepare the anti-inflammation pills for your return.




KAYAKSURF CHILE | Richard Search

Name: Richard Search
Occupation: In England my friends called me an "Entrepreneur" , for anyone into sailing I used to run but just now
own the company that makes the Hawk range of windindicators.
Status: Married to a very understanding Chilean wife.
Address: Mantagua , Valparaiso , Chile, The bottom of the world.
Originally From: Hayling Island , England.
Moved to Chile: 2009
Actividadesoutdoors.cl formed: 2012
SurfKayaking Experience: 4 years from the age of 13 in a Gnat and now 40+ years later 2 years trying to stay upright in a Mega Neutron ( a very steep learning curve but enjoying every minute of it when I can find the time ).
Other Interests: Sailing , Mountain Biking , Sea Kayaking.

When you got the idea to move to Chile, was surfkayaking already an objective for your business?
To be honest the answer is no , our original idea was to import sailing and mountain biking equipment which will hopefully still happen in the future , hence the name Actividadesoutdoors was chosen.

How did this collaboration start with Mega?
After deciding that sailing products would be a much longer term project than we at first thought , we looked to see what other activities we could represent in Chile . At the same time my daughter was trying to persuade me to try surfing with her , getting back in to the surf brought back memories of those early years in the gnat , so I thought lets get a proper surfkayak the only problem being I could not find one in Chile. My next problem was how do I explain why I am purchasing and importing one to my wife , I know I will import and sell them ! So after some thought on whether a SurfKayaking business would be viable in Chile we decided that if we combined it with other forms of "surfing" it would be , but we needed a lower cost surfkayak to help start the market , we needed to make one in Chile . I already knew of Mega and after a check on the internet we decided that they were definitely the brand we wanted to represent , due to their range of kayaks and reputation , but how to present our idea to them. We should not have worried as Malcolm was open to the idea from the beginning, after some decisions it was decided we would make a version of the Cyclone in Chile and import other models as the market opened.

What models are you producing right now?
At the moment we have just started to produce the Cyclone which has taken far longer than we ever thought , the main problem being finding suitable suppliers for materials in Chile. As for producing other models we will have to see how the market for surfkayaks in Chile/South America develops and discuss with Malcolm what is the next step as it is the reputation of his brand that is at stake.

And about the new SOT's... what are your expectations...?
We are very excited about the new "Surf on Top" as it is just what we were thinking we needed in Chile to help people progress from their "Sit on Top" to a full on SurfKayak . We took our first delivery of them recently and already have one happy customer who has up graded from his Sit on Top.

How do you see surfkayaking in Chile?
That is an interesting question , at the moment it hardly exists , due to the cost when importing only a few kayaks at a time and also due to Chileans not being used to spending time enjoying their wonderful if cold sea . On the cost front we are helping to keep the costs down by producing the Cyclone in Chile and also by importing Mega kayaks from England along with other products . It has also been very noticeable over the last 3 years with the growth of surfing in Chile that Chileans are starting to enjoy their sea at last , so if we can provide the right products at an affordable price as the interest is there , there is a future for surfkayaking in Chile.

If anyone wants to go to Chile , what kind of activities/products does actividadesoutdoors.cl offer?
At present we are an online shop only and offer products for "surfkayaking", "surfing"and "bodyboarding" from major UK suppliers and have demonstration models for customers to try , we are at the moment in discussions with a local surf school on a collaboration to offer surfkayak lessons and hire.

Best surf spots you recommend?
I have not visited that many different surf spots yet , for which I have a list , but my favourite so far which I think will be hard to beat is Puertecillo , which hopefully will remain as it is despite the greed of developers.

Last words.
Some times I think when I am sitting with my 19 year old son in our kayaks waiting for the next set , at my age am I really a good advert for the sport ? but then I think that it shows that it is a sport for all ages which has to be good for surfkayaking.

Thanks and good luck Richard!




Robert Sommer | Mr. Robson

Name: Robert Sommer
age: 49
occupation: CEO of Megasports
Paddling experience: since I am 13 years old

Hello Robert, please introduce us Robson Megasports...
Megasports is theproduction company of brands like Robson, Lighthning paddles, Bondibeach and some more. Megasports employs about 100 people in different sister companies. We are exporting our products in 65 countries around the world.

What was the very first product of Robson brand... still remember?
Paddles, was our first step in the business. The Freestyle modell was our first big seller

Now, we can see that Robson has all for paddling: technical clothes, PFD, paddles, boats, kayaks but, what is your main selling area?
Boats and paddles, and now we run a whitewaterpark in Vienna Austria (www.viennacityrafting.at)

In the large product range, we see a brand new SUP (Kane) and also a surfkayak ( Fluxx). How was the Fluxx created?
Yes we partnered up with a friend from the UK. Our long tradition with kayaksurfing made this step happen. Our former agent and many times world surf kayak champion Tim Thomas created the connction to Nick Stillwell the designer.

And the SUP?
Our R&D person in the company is apassionate surfer, he wants to do it and we gave him the freedom to do it.

Now tell us... what are the prices for this new surfkayak and how can we get one?
Prices depends on the outfitting and the distributers. We are selling it in Spain and GB mostly.

Robson already collaborates with kayaksurf.net for a long time. We know that you have loads to do on your daily work... but do you follow our news and stuff?
Sure, because you are all around , you do a good marketing and a lot on social media. This motivated us to work with you for a long time.

Edu Etxeberria, Kayaksurf World Champ and one of the best european paddlers, paddles now with Robson support. Any news about Robson team?
We are still looking for good paddlers to join our team. This is important to develop new products and make current products better. To be a team member is not just support from our side it is a lot of work from the paddlers side as well. So we really look at the vita of the person before he joins the team.

Besides all this "Robson World", we can also see that the brand is always searching and very interested in all the environment issues. Tell us your policy in these matters...
We are looking forward and thinking about our environment, so we using a big part of our energy with our solarpanels and producing clean energy for our production facilities, we are developed a system to recycle the scratch from the boat producton and use it again. Also our ARMERLITE canoes are recycleable. Especielly rental stations honor this and renew the hulls from time to time. Also clean resins and the Flowtec paddles are an important step to make the products better for our workers and for the environment.

And that's all Robert. Thanks for your time. Your last words goes to...
My fantastic empolies, they giving me the impulse to work hard and creating always new interesting stuff dan to all the paddlers around the world buying our products and show it around. Thank you.

Thanks Robert! All the success for Robson :)




World Class on Kayaksurf

Name: Aidan Brackenbury
Address: Bideford, Devon, England, planet earth, The milky way.
Occupation: Apprentice plumber
Age: 18

Other sports: Snowboarding
Gear: Mega Phantom, Mega trident, Reed chillcheater kit, Mitchell blades nemesis paddle.
Sponsors / support: Surfkayakskills, Mega surf kayaks, Reed Chillcheater, Mitchell blades, AEE Magicam

When did you started to paddle:
I started surf kayaking when I was 13. I injured my arm quite badly snowboarding when I was 12, so to help build the strength back in my arm my dad introduced me to river paddling and then it just progressed from there, I started to kayak in the surf more with my dad and found I enjoyed it a lot and I have done it ever since!

What disciplines do usually practice? 
I have only really ever done surf kayaking as the beach is 5 minutes from my house, but recently I have done a bit more white water kayaking.

How do you see the evolution of our sport?
Well I think it will continue to grow in to a bigger sport, there are already many surf kayakers around the world, and I would like to think the number will keep on growing.
Personally I’m developing higher aerials and deeper barrels. Going higher on airs mean more moves are possible. I don’t think we are too far away from seeing a kayak land an ally-oop air, or rotations around a helix (freestyle) axis when you’ve aired, and with great young riders coming through, I’m sure the limits will keep on getting pushed.

Best sportive achievement you had:
I would say my best sporting achievement was winning the kayaksurf.net best wave trophy at mundaka in 2011! Because it was a huge shock I really didn’t think I would have won that with so many amazing riders at that comp. I had a great final with Andy McClelland, the surf was fantatic, and me and Andy were just having a great time, which is probably why I surfed so well. I always surf my best when I’m having fun!

Your favourite spots:
I seem to have a new favourite sport every time I have a good session, but it’s got to be a local secret spot about 5 minutes from my house! It never disappoints!

Aims for future:
Try and push what I can do in a surf kayak and keep on enjoying the sport I love! Produce better media output so we can get the sport better promoted through video’s and photo’s etc. And most importantly, I want to be a slimmer, fitter, better looking version of Chris Hobson ;)

About Portugal:
Such an amazing place, I love it there I’ve been a few times now and have always had great surfs with great people. Ocean spirit is by far the best competition, everything about it just makes you want to keep coming back, and it serves vicious mojito’s….

About kayaksurf.net:
It’s the heart of surf kayaking, the sport wouldn’t be where it is today without kayaksurf.net! The work you do is really appreciated by everyone. Thank you.

Last words:
I want to thank all my sponsors Mega surf kayaks, reed chill cheater and Mitchell blades for their support, and mostly my dad for teaching me how to surf kayak and sacrificing hundreds of sessions to take photos!

About the video:
The waves in the video were filmed over the course of a week, which involved driving 2500kms, to chase the swell. We’ve been trying to go to Thurso for nearly two years, but everytime we had the time to go the forecast wasn’t so good. This time we decided to wait for the perfect forecast then go last minute, which is how we scored it so good. Thurso East is an epic wave. Situated on the North Coast of Scotland it was the site for the first formal surf kayak World championships in the early 90’s. A hollow right hander that breaks onto a really shallow reef, it requires a bit of good timing and a lot of holding your breath, hoping you’ll make it out of the barrel! It took us 15 hours to drive there from Devon and we arrived at 0700 in the morning. The photo that is the Kayaksurf.net front page was taken at about 0745 after a long drive with no sleep. We then had two days of great sessions before driving back down home again for work on the Monday morning. 28 hours in the car for 5 sessions, but they were quality…. The following weekend we surfed at home a small fun swell capped off a week of great surf!




Waveski Trip / BALI and Lombok @ Indonesia

Pablo Arrouays
address:Lacanau Beach
Occupation:All extreme sports video making and party !
Waveski since: 2005
Paddling club:CKLG (Lacanau)
Sportive curriculum: Junior World Champ 2011 , 2nd in Open Division ,
European Junior Champ 2012
Sponsors: Ombak waveski , Z-trauma ,Solamanzi gear , and still looking
for some others one..

Now, about this trip:

When: 7 november 2013 to 7 january 2014
Where: One month in Bali , One month in Lombok
Who with: With my two best friends ( two surfers) and with an cameraman friend !
Main spots surfed: Bali :
Lombok: Air Guling,Mawi,Segar,Grupuk Bay
Best memories: Largest barrel of my life in Nico Hotel , Alone on the
lineup of impossible with the sunset,nealflip in grupuk bay,party
crazy !
Worst... if there are: Broke my ribs by falling on a beer bottle the
Christmas night ahah!
kayaksurf.net :Still the best site for our sport , lot
of work from Luis for the community ! But hope to see some concurence
soon ;)
Next project: Was Mexico but i broke my shoulders in snowboard, so
just hope to coming strong in South Africa , and make a little movie
after it !




Nuno Benedito
Clube Aventura Académica Lusófona Coach

Nuno Benedito been around kayaking for many years. Today, now in his forties, he teaches in the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of the Lusophone University of Humanities and Technology and he's coaches the  "Academic Adventure Club". Nuno always collaborated with kayaksurf.net since his first year online either writing articles or with some news.

He paddles for over 20 years and ran several disciplines: whitewater, freestyle, touring, sea kayaking and of course, surfkayaking. When he worked in Peniche, organized the first championships of surfkayaking in the portuguese wave capital ( between 2003-2008 ). It was with him that, in 2006, was held in Peniche the Portugal First Cup with the support of the Portuguese Canoe Federation. Later, he organized the Penacova Freestyle Kayak Event (2007 ) and Portugal Cup and National Championship Freestyle (2008 ).

Today lives near by Lisbon and, alongside the teaching activity, streamlines the Adventure Club Academic Lusophone (CAAL). It is an extraordinary project that is bearing fruit in many sports areas. At the national surf kayaking circuit, there were several young athletes who participate under the seal of CAAL and, last year, flashed Ricardo Ribeiro (winner in kayaksurf SOT), Gonçalo Marçalo (4th place in the same category ) and even Carlos Dionisio (7th kayaksurf in HP and 6 in waveski ) on behalf of the fledgling club. Whatever the outcome, the objectives have been achieved by Nuno: introduced young blood in our sport and boost kayaksurf and waveski in our country. Nuno always answers us as CAAL coordinator and is also in this paper that he takes the opportunity to thank some brands and entities that have been supporting this project, namely: kayaksurf.net; Watertech Kayaks, Kayaks RPF; Skiworld; Rip Curl (which has always supported Peniche contest) and others that no longer exist as Pagayak and Econauta.




Maurício Borsari / Indonesia 2013

We were together in Open Bastiagueiro / Ice Waves in Corunna a few weeks ago and is always a pleasure to be with one of the brazilian kayaksurf pioneers. Maurice Borsari was the first interviewee in kayaksurf.net... is a milestone in our site. In fact, it was he who opened one of our most iconic sections. Today, aged 46, he lives in Europe. He is a consultant to business and industry segment focusing on the South American market, having previously lived in Slovenia and now settled in France. Does kayaksurf for over 10 years, but already surf boards since 9 years old. Feels like a fish in water - whatever toy used - and is affiliated with the Brazilian Canoe Federation.

Mauricio surf trips - like her sister Roberta - are always great stories in kayaksurf.net. He has surfed all over the world and this year returned to one of his preferred destinations: Indonesia.

Mauricio walked this time till Pulau Batu archipelago (also known as Telo ), which is West of Sumatra to the islands of Nias and Siberut Mentawai north and south. He was there from 11 to 21 October and, to reach the island on the 11th, the journey started on 09th and ended on 23 October in France. Too many hours of travel, but after seeing these pictures, quickly concluded that all these trips were worth it. Perfect waves in a single blue and, moreover, scented by a dreamlike landscape. Let us look at the reviews of Mauricio on over this trip that, as usual, provided TOP images...




Portuguese Kayaksurf SOT 2013 Champion

Ricardo Ribeiro surfs for many year Foz do Arelho and Peniche waves(Portugal). He was born in Caldas da Rainha, teaches physical education and currently lives in Costa de Caparica (near by Lisbon) and, of course, still continues connected to the sea. He teaches surf, surfkayaking and is also a sea lifeguard. With 31 years old, Ricardo is one of the most regular athetes in the portuguese kayaksurf and waveski circuit. In addition to the kayaksurf class SOT, Ricardo also competes in kayaksurf HP. He belongs to Clube Aventura Associação Académica Lusófona and highlights on his resume, this latest title he won in 2013 portuguese circuit (SOT class). In HP classs, he also got an excellent fourth place. Next year, we know we will also participate in the kayaksurf IC but now, let's get to know a little more about the athlete.




Waveski in Bali / Indonesia

This years adventure started about 1 week before arrival at gland. I noticed a big event happening off the coast of south Africa on the swell chart. As i tracked it for the next few days, it seemed to be building and more new swells were forming behind it as it marched across the Indian ocean and up towards Indonesia. The best swells form from at least this far out. By the time we were due to leave, There was plenty of swell covering the whole Indian Ocean and another new swell forming off South Africa. Wow! It was going to be on!!

By the time we arrived, there was due to be solid waves for at least 1 week solid and starting to build during the day. Well, we had our breakfast and set up the boards ready for the days events, but the usual afternoon offshores never materialised. It stayed onshore all day!!, in what would be the biggest day I have ever been here and not went out there (without an injury, anyway.)

Well, it poured down rain all night and flooded the camp the next morning. (not much sleep) and the next day, the sun came out briefly and the surf fully arrived. There were big waves, some good tides, but the main thing you can usually always rely on this time of year,(the offshore mid morning winds) were not here. It was at least a little bit cleaner and some solid waves were to be had for the next 2 days

It was kind of weird and everything seemed to be a little bit "Off". Some good waves to be had on the cleaner moments, but some of the waves were not perfect or clean and you had to be selective, as some of the sections were brutal and some of the waves had teeth on them just wanting to swallow you whole! And that is exactly what happened.Some good waves were had and then on the fourth day (the third of surfing), i went out and on my first wave ( it was a bomb set, and probably the biggest day, I caught a wave maybe I shouldn't have.

All the surfing was being done on Speedies, the heaviest part of the wave, And the Launching Pad was doing its thing in its full fury. Its a hard part of the wave to surf on a ski. The pad can destroy you if you get it wrong. Its easy to get caught inside, and the best surfers have the place pretty wired. Its hard to fit into the lineup in any crowd, luckily it wasn't too crowded.

But I was out the back, waiting my turn when "The" monster set arrived. The second one was standing up and I was right in it's path. A hell paddle to get to it, and without too much time to think, I swung around and paddled to take off.

Oh no!!. While I committed myself to the takeoff, I realised everyone was racing to the shoulder to get over or duckdive it. And people were littered on the wall stopping me from doing a ususal turn to the safety of the shoulder. There were ridges in the wave, it was messy on takeoff, and i found myself skipping down the face of the beast. Some said i was getting 4 foot of air bouncing down the face. I managed to gain control and bottom turned to try and get around it and just remembered the curtain just go straight over my head.i was doomed! The following wipeout caused my go pro camera to snap its mounting, break the string, lose my board and i had to swim about 1 km to get my board back. I lost my paddle to sea, and when I got my board back, it had a big gash in the rail, probably from my paddle. Oh well, at least I'm Ok!

It was one of those things. once i was committed, there is no pulling back, you would just get sucked over the falls anyway.That was the only wave i caught that day. I hate the waves getting the better of me. my board was buggered and needed fixing. All up about $700.00 worth of damage.(paddle and go pro too.) I must say I was a little edgy...As I said, everything was a little off.

There were guys getting good waves and barrels, but lots of carnage in between. I witnessed 2 broken boards on 2 consecutive waves, one other guy broke 3 boards in 3 days. If your going to commit to surfing these waves, then shit is going to happen somewhere along the line. The current was out of control. A massive super moon tide and the large swell meant heaps of paddling. Some "boardies" (stand up riders) couldn't even paddle against the current either inside the white water or out the back. Getting waves was really hard work!

The night after the wipeout, it rained all night again.This time one of the loudest thunderstorms I've ever heard.The following day, the camp was all flooded again.Then 2 more days of solid Speedies waves.This is what most surfers come to gland for.... but these were true south direction swells, which meant my other favourite part of the reef "Moneytrees" wasn't working so well. The conditions even for speedies still wasn't great. So you had to be selective, and i was on edge after "The" wipeout. Some great waves to be had the next 2 days anyway.

Speedies does that. It puts all the crowd into one tight bunch from the "Pad" all the way down the race track that is speedies. The next day, as the tide was getting too low, I decided to go up reef to moneytrees. Speedies was smaller, but just cracking hard barrels on the reef. Not many people were making them, but for the lucky few, the ones that were makeable were real quality. I gave it a miss because there wasn't many and the crowd looked intense, also with the lower than normal tide, I had a bad feeling and it was too dangerous.

The next few days seem a blur. We had a few fun ones at speedies and Kongs, then the great swell seemed to die. Then I took a photo of all the volcano's in the distance and someone said, when they are clear, it will go flat for over a week, which is exactly what happened. Damn! Looking at the photoes, yeah, we got it good, but you get jungle fever when it rains most days and you sit inside watching movies all day.




PAUL McLennan / Waveski in Bali / Surf Trip Report

Been riding a waveski on and off for 25 years as I ride surfboards aswell . Mountainbiking is also a big part of my life , racing for many years . Live in Noosa on the Sunshine Coast Aust, a place famous for its point breaks and annual surf festival.

I keep busy with our business Volatile Surf Creations doing photography work and running training programes for athletes of all backgrounds.

I love surfing the beachies at home which can get super hollow and fast at times . Some of the other places Ive enjoyed surfing are Rock Island in the Phillipines , and the variety of waves on offer in Indo. Be nice to visit Europe and surf some of the waves in Portugal , would also love to explore Ireland and find some cold but quality waves to surf.

And as for kayaksurf.net I think you do a great job reporting on wavesking and surf kayaking all around the world , been a pleasure to be apart of your news team . Love to see reports on peoples adventures from around the globe knowing that they have had that buzz you get when you score good waves . Its great to get a heap of good pics on those trips but I find the best days are when no one is filming and its you and few mates getting waves, those are the days I remember most.

This last trip in March I went with four surfers from the Sunshine Coast , the main goal was to get some pics for these guys and score a few waves for myself along the way .We had a variety of waves to surf with reef breaks , points and the odd beachie to play with. With plenty of swell on tap it opened up many options, exploring the west and south coast of Lombok aswell as the Gille Islands.We found on the bigger days the few surfers in the region seemed to head for the protected breaks leaving many waves empty.

Many waves are are only a short paddle from the beach but best to get a boat to explore some of the remote breaks , saves you heaps of time not travelling by road. The food is to die for and the accomodation ranges from home stays to moderate hotel style rooms ,good thing there is only one surf camp in the region which may be another reason the breaks are not crowded.




Santa Cruz Paddle Festival 2013
Vice-Champion / Kayaksurf IC

Name & Age
Mathew Hoff, 24

Mat, there is one t in there. Get it right.

How I got started
The first time I was introduced to a kayak was on a trip to Spicer Reservoir. We paddled in a
canoe to the back of the lake. My dad’s buddy had a kayak and let me try it out when we got
to camp.

How long have I been kayaking?
From the first time until 2007 I paddled on family and Scout trips. I started sea kayaking
spring of 2008 and that fall started surf kayaking.

What I do for the community
I teach sea kayaking at Monterey Bay Kayaks. It is great seeing paddlers come from nothing to doing trips that I would like to join in on. This year I was invited to be a part of the committee for the Santa Cruz Paddle Festival and will be helping put on the Cowells Classic to help encourage new boaters to get into the surf.

How do I train?
I mainly kayak surf. Sometimes I do some touring. Every now and again I paddle a SUP (when it is flat). My surf ski will be replacing that now to help me paddle on those days that are too flat or too windy. I plan on being a big part of the US West Surf Kayak team for the 2012 Worlds in Australia and will be training hard for it.

My competition results
2012 Ventura 2nd
2012 Santa Cruz 2nd HP and 3rd IC
Davenport 2011 1st KOTW and 2nd IC
Worlds 2011, 9th IC and 19th HP

Blog and website information




Brazilian Kayaksurf Champion 2012

Cizomar Bavaresco, aka Bava, is a sea man for many years. Practice surf kayaking since he was eight years old at Prainha da Saudade, Sao Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina - his favorite spot ever - but is not that just kayak adventure on the waves. Today, with 25 years old, Bava is proud to practice several surfing sports: surf, kitesurf, shark-paddle-surf and SUP. Thanks to the support and encouragement of his friend Alexandre-Pierre Mattei (Shark Paddle Surf mentor), Bava has evolved increasingly in kayaksurf.

In its first participation in the Brazilian Kayaksurf Championship, Bava won the Open category in 2012. The 2012 Brazilian circuit summed up in two stages. The first was held in March in the town of Barra Velha, State of Santa Catarina, where Bava was second. Bruno Guazelli Filho, another well-known kayaksurf.net friend, won this event in a day very inspired and gave no chance to anyone. In 2011, Bava achieved the fourth place in South American Kayaksurf Open and won the Beginners category of this event. Last year was the confirmation of the Brazilian ace. Today, Bava continues to surf and we already published a large number of images of the athlete but now, we know a little more about the surfer in a matter made in collaboration with Alexandre-Pierre Mattei, NEWS TEAM kayaksurf.net.




Tomaso Dentone / EXO Project Manager

Tomaso Dentone is Kplast "project manager". The brand was created in 2005 and the company was formed in 2008. Despite this recent history, Kplast already produces plastic kayaks and canoes since 1988. This new Tomaso project, is the result of a passion for sports and the desire of producing an Italy benchmark for the market. Today, EXO produces more than 40 models of kayaks sit-on-top, creek, freestyle, polo and surfing. Thanks to this investment in surf area, EXO established the first contact with the British Mega. Interested in great shape and the experience of Mega, Tomaso Dentone bet on a kayak produced in partnership. From Italy, we have great experience in the production of plastic and from England, reaches the top of the design world leading brand of kayaks. That was how did the XW1.

Another enhancement that EXO has, is Stefano Bellotti. The Italian athlete collaborated throughout the project and regularly competes with XW1. Simultaneously, Tomaso bet other aspects of EXO beyond the surf, of course. Expeditions, new models, international fairs and organizing major events. All with the seal of EXO. Thanks to this dynamism, the Olympic slalom champion Daniele Molmenti (London 2012) embraced EXO as sponsor. Now, time for conversation with Tomaso which lets us know a bit more of the Italian brand.

Name: Tomaso Dentone
Age: 47
Occupation: Project manager
EXO Address: Casarza Ligure(Genova) Italy

Hello Tomaso, EXO was born from Kplast that have an huge experience in making canoes and kayaks for well-known European brands. When and how did you decided to creat EXO?
As I told you we produce kayak since 1988, in 2005 we started with our brand Exo, now we’re working to push Exo to the top.

You produce now 42 models!! (correct me if I'm wrong). What are your "best sellers" kayaks?
We have a complete kayaks range, from the canoes to the technical kayaks as XT260/300 creek boats,XG freestyle and XW1 surf. The “best sellers” boats are the XP3 (polo boat) and sit-on-top Shark in version single and double

And now, a new adventure... Exo and Mega. When was born this idea?
In 2011 we started in project some technical kayak to inprove our range, the first was the XW1, we had the first contact with Mega to check the situation in June 2011, we started almost immediately in a very profiqual cooperation to develope the XW1 project, after some months we was ready to start with the production and now you can “touch our idea”.

Now you have Xw1, a plastic surfkayak. Describe us this new surf machine...
Xw1 is our all-round surf kayak, great feeling with the boat allow easy execution of “bottom turn”,”cut Back” and “off the lip”. Exciting performance, strong and light… this is our “surf machine”. The XW1 is available in two versiions, single layer cod. AA00468 and Ts version (two layers), the Ts version is a little lighter and stronger than the other version.

Stefano Bellotti, well known italian surfkayaker, is now in EXO Team...
Stefano Bellotti is a strong paddler, polo, creek and surf are him playground. He won a lot of surfkayak competitions and he had a god result also with our XW1. He pushed the surfkayak and gives us some input to start with the XW1 project.

You were with us in the Xtreme Pantin where Stefano reached the semi-finals with the Xw1. Did you enjoy the event?
We’re happy to enjoy ourself in Pantin, Stefano did a great performance, we hope the best for the future competitions.

Chris Hobson, World surfkayak Champion, tested and loved the Xw1!! What a great support ;)
Chris is a Champion, an incredible paddler, then if he loves the XW1 you have to belive him…..

We know that EXO has great events like "Exo Kayak Game” or “Exo Kayak Race”. When will we have an EXO Surfkayaing Competition?
We organized the Italian Surf competition in 2012 in cooperation with Blackwave surf association and the Italian Federation and we’ll do the same for this year

And new projects about EXO / MEGA or surfkayaks... do you have any news?
Maybe in future we can improve our surf kayak range, and in this case sure in cooperation with Mega.

What are the main objectivs of EXO with this new Xw1?
Thanks to the competitions and exibition we want to show to the kayakers our XW1, we think we can obtain good result in sales.

What will be the price and how can we get one?
The XW1 public price is € 750,00 and € 810,00 for TS version. You can get one directly from us info@exokayak.com or from one of our dealers (check the list in www.exokayak.com)

Last words...
In last 5 years we’re working to improve our quality, and we built some Special Team, creek, Surf ,Polo and Frestyle, we arranged a lot of expeditions, the last in Xmas 2012 in Mexico with our Exo Creek Team, in 2012 we met Daniele Molmenti, Slalom Gold Medal in London, and now even Daniele is part of our Team and he was in Mexico with us.




Vincent Thepaut / Owner and KS Waveskis shaper

Name: Vincent THEPAUT
Address: BIDART, basque cost
Surfing since: 1983
Other sports you practice: shaping !!!! no time for the rest : swiming, montain bike, river kayak..
KS foundation: 1996

Describe us KS Waveski...
It's a waveski (and surfboards) Brand create by myself in 1996 from nothing because of a leak of waveski products (it was too hard to get boards or gear in France and Europe in the end 80's). I was shaping since 1989 for myself and few friends. I have been travelling oversea since 1992 and met many riders and shapers ; Christo, Kola, Nicky Cartens, Neil Decker, Macski... some of them had share some tips or some templates (thanks nicky) with me when we had worked together.

What major differences has KS regarding other brands ?
Its hard to say but the main shaping differences or what make the board popular all over the world, are the rails (usually quite thin) and how I can ditribute the volume as good as possible. I use to say that the most important on a board are good rails. my hull combinaison is a important point too : it's a synthesis about of all that has been done for a waveski (some vee, some concave, some bevelled, some flat sections ..)

About the making and general look of the board : the difference was that I was shaping like a surfboard shaper with foam blank with a wood stringer in it, and painting deco on foam, and using hi quality clear epoxy for the lamination. so the look was very close from a surfboard and you could see the quality. maybe that last point is why I have been so popular, I always look after quality and I am very involved in the sport.

At least we can say KS is 3 time Open world champion, 8 time women world champion , many other titles in junior and new age.. and europeans... and national (but too much I don't remember) nearly every year... it helps !!! thanks to the riders !

And specifically about shaping... how did KS boards evoluted ?
As I said before, I had travel, compete and met people, so I have been influenced by others but mostly by Christo and Nicky. My design is a synthesis of their but update with what was and is on market now. so step by step, there is evolution; sometimes in the design, sometimes in the making but it coulds be only very small details that most of the people cannot see. My work on surfboards had also influence me and I could learn more working on different boards. On the making, I heve been doing classic fiber epoxy or carbon rails recently. I start from 2011 too to make some vacum sandwich, and it became a succes with Virgile Humbert, Open world champion in Portugal with this type of waveski.

Present us the ONE 155 What is the main market target with this board ?
The ONE 155 is a waveski for beguinner until 100 kg. the target is to make every kind of people discover the waveski surfing. The goal was to improve what was the reference before so the Slide (master). the ONE 155 have a lower gravity center and is wider with better seat and footwell. the epoxy making is stronger and lighter and the finish can be done with EVA foam skin (soft top) for school or paint for public.

At last, the accessories have been improved with 2 version : initiation with thight knee straps or evolution with footstraps and seatbelt. the knew strap are to be easier for those who are afraid of the seat belt (not to release !) and to be closest to SOT practising. after all, if you improve yourself and get confident with the board, you can evoluate more with footstrap and belt. About riding it, it's interesting because despite the width of the ONE 155 he can go easily on the rail and turn well thanks to the big Vee/ double concave. You feel more confident and comfortable on the ONE 155 with the lower position and its easy to eskimo roll with the knee straps. Improvement is on price too and the ratio quality / price is very good.

What other surprises will we have from KS on 2013 ?
I am working now on a new model for the range ONE. it will be smaller for lighter riders or better skilled, same target as Slide super with same type of improvements like on the ONE 155. the target of this model is riders with a smaller body or already pratising waveski or kayak, so kayak club could be interest in that profile. As on ONE 155, you will be able to have the 2 versions of accessories, and the 2 type of finish. Next step is to make a network so people can find a full range in shops or clubs. Prototype is already done and is going to be test soon before going to production. Other project for 2013, is to make new production model but on a intermediate range as the performance custom model. Same policy as before, better quality and price, good accessories and short delay. The main reason for that is waveski is growing step by step and I have more and more orders and work in the factory for customs.

I have only 2 hands and a brain.. and cannot work as a machine to answer people with custom making. Most of the everage riders will be happy to have quickly a board, with a wood sandwich and affordable ! it will be suitable to many size of riders because of an ajustable footblock..At last at the same time, I still work on custom orders at the factory and few vacum sandwich boards for team riders.

How many athletes made part of KS Team ?
I have many differents riders from different country, nearly 10 : 2011 world champion Virgile Humbert is on the top of the list, with Clement Guilbert, winner of 2012 french cup and Nathan Le Bars, best junior in 2012 and vice young world champion. My best girl, is Coralie Jousset and I am master on a podium ! There is still some historic rider as Julien Billard, vice world champion 2006, or Malan Calitz from RSA, finalist at 2009 world titles. For Ireland, Marty Mc Cann is challenging senior division as much as Italian newcomer Stefano Bellotti in new age since 2011. Arthur schott, a spectacular rider from Reunion island, is living in France now so I hope he could keep competing around France and Europ next year. 2013 team list is not close yet, but I can give two new name: Tony Cherry from NZ / AUS and Sam Jones from UK.

How do you see waveski evolution worldwide?
On world scale, I think if we want to developp our sport, we should do things and organise bigger event with the surfkayak , but organisation, rules and categories have to be simple, so everybody can join us. I estimate the world population practising waveski surfing between 2000 to 3000 maybe 5000 with surf kayak practising. many people have been trying once waveski but only 300 or 400 are practising really often for freesurf or to compete. I think that if market can improve we will see more production model easier and cheaper, so able to spread all over the world. we are not too far from SUP board market so it's possible to grow... this is a private or commercial developpment model but things can evoluate too with public community developpement as clubs with instructor (kayak federation). this model is very important if we still want to have young riders .. usually it's the only way for them to practise because they cannot afford the board and gear themself...and need olders to teach and to bring them to the beach.

Do you know Portugal?
I have been to Portugal twice, most of the time around Ericiera. not enought for me, whenyou see how many good reef break you can surf. it's really amazing how many good waves there is in Portugal althought I saw only less that 10 % of what you have... I was in Santa cruz for the 2011 world titles during the ocean spirit festival. I was in Ericiera for the Euro contets we have done last year. during this 2 events we had waves all the time...

Did you planed to go till Brasil 2013 Worlds?
No, I had planed South Africa next year. now (after the cancel of brasil worlds) there is no more questions !! it's a not good news for waveski but all this make in fact people try to comunicate more on networks and try to hold their sport themself.

From few year now, kayaksurf.net have been the only media / site on internet for surf kayak and waveski, so its very important because its a big link to every riders all over the world. With video production as SubGraviti (Xaver Walser) it is the best in our world. Now all this combine with facebook, it start to be something significant..

Last words...
I hope surfkayak and waveski could mix themself more in the future, and I hope that many people will try waveski with easy models like the ONE on a side of kayak or SUP praticing. ...all these is about paddle sport ! have a good surf !!