Maurício Borsari / Indonesia 2013
We were together in Open Bastiagueiro / Ice Waves in Corunna a few weeks ago and is always a pleasure to be with one of the brazilian kayaksurf pioneers. Maurice Borsari was the first interviewee in is a milestone in our site. In fact, it was he who opened one of our most iconic sections. Today, aged 46, he lives in Europe. He is a consultant to business and industry segment focusing on the South American market, having previously lived in Slovenia and now settled in France. Does kayaksurf for over 10 years, but already surf boards since 9 years old. Feels like a fish in water - whatever toy used - and is affiliated with the Brazilian Canoe Federation.
Mauricio surf trips - like her sister Roberta - are always great stories in He has surfed all over the world and this year returned to one of his preferred destinations: Indonesia.
Mauricio walked this time till Pulau Batu archipelago (also known as Telo ), which is West of Sumatra to the islands of Nias and Siberut Mentawai north and south. He was there from 11 to 21 October and, to reach the island on the 11th, the journey started on 09th and ended on 23 October in France. Too many hours of travel, but after seeing these pictures, quickly concluded that all these trips were worth it. Perfect waves in a single blue and, moreover, scented by a dreamlike landscape. Let us look at the reviews of Mauricio on over this trip that, as usual, provided TOP images...