

Tomaso Dentone / EXO Project Manager

Tomaso Dentone is Kplast "project manager". The brand was created in 2005 and the company was formed in 2008. Despite this recent history, Kplast already produces plastic kayaks and canoes since 1988. This new Tomaso project, is the result of a passion for sports and the desire of producing an Italy benchmark for the market. Today, EXO produces more than 40 models of kayaks sit-on-top, creek, freestyle, polo and surfing. Thanks to this investment in surf area, EXO established the first contact with the British Mega. Interested in great shape and the experience of Mega, Tomaso Dentone bet on a kayak produced in partnership. From Italy, we have great experience in the production of plastic and from England, reaches the top of the design world leading brand of kayaks. That was how did the XW1.

Another enhancement that EXO has, is Stefano Bellotti. The Italian athlete collaborated throughout the project and regularly competes with XW1. Simultaneously, Tomaso bet other aspects of EXO beyond the surf, of course. Expeditions, new models, international fairs and organizing major events. All with the seal of EXO. Thanks to this dynamism, the Olympic slalom champion Daniele Molmenti (London 2012) embraced EXO as sponsor. Now, time for conversation with Tomaso which lets us know a bit more of the Italian brand.

Name: Tomaso Dentone
Age: 47
Occupation: Project manager
EXO Address: Casarza Ligure(Genova) Italy

Hello Tomaso, EXO was born from Kplast that have an huge experience in making canoes and kayaks for well-known European brands. When and how did you decided to creat EXO?
As I told you we produce kayak since 1988, in 2005 we started with our brand Exo, now we’re working to push Exo to the top.

You produce now 42 models!! (correct me if I'm wrong). What are your "best sellers" kayaks?
We have a complete kayaks range, from the canoes to the technical kayaks as XT260/300 creek boats,XG freestyle and XW1 surf. The “best sellers” boats are the XP3 (polo boat) and sit-on-top Shark in version single and double

And now, a new adventure... Exo and Mega. When was born this idea?
In 2011 we started in project some technical kayak to inprove our range, the first was the XW1, we had the first contact with Mega to check the situation in June 2011, we started almost immediately in a very profiqual cooperation to develope the XW1 project, after some months we was ready to start with the production and now you can “touch our idea”.

Now you have Xw1, a plastic surfkayak. Describe us this new surf machine...
Xw1 is our all-round surf kayak, great feeling with the boat allow easy execution of “bottom turn”,”cut Back” and “off the lip”. Exciting performance, strong and light… this is our “surf machine”. The XW1 is available in two versiions, single layer cod. AA00468 and Ts version (two layers), the Ts version is a little lighter and stronger than the other version.

Stefano Bellotti, well known italian surfkayaker, is now in EXO Team...
Stefano Bellotti is a strong paddler, polo, creek and surf are him playground. He won a lot of surfkayak competitions and he had a god result also with our XW1. He pushed the surfkayak and gives us some input to start with the XW1 project.

You were with us in the Xtreme Pantin where Stefano reached the semi-finals with the Xw1. Did you enjoy the event?
We’re happy to enjoy ourself in Pantin, Stefano did a great performance, we hope the best for the future competitions.

Chris Hobson, World surfkayak Champion, tested and loved the Xw1!! What a great support ;)
Chris is a Champion, an incredible paddler, then if he loves the XW1 you have to belive him…..

We know that EXO has great events like "Exo Kayak Game” or “Exo Kayak Race”. When will we have an EXO Surfkayaing Competition?
We organized the Italian Surf competition in 2012 in cooperation with Blackwave surf association and the Italian Federation and we’ll do the same for this year

And new projects about EXO / MEGA or surfkayaks... do you have any news?
Maybe in future we can improve our surf kayak range, and in this case sure in cooperation with Mega.

What are the main objectivs of EXO with this new Xw1?
Thanks to the competitions and exibition we want to show to the kayakers our XW1, we think we can obtain good result in sales.

What will be the price and how can we get one?
The XW1 public price is € 750,00 and € 810,00 for TS version. You can get one directly from us info@exokayak.com or from one of our dealers (check the list in www.exokayak.com)

Last words...
In last 5 years we’re working to improve our quality, and we built some Special Team, creek, Surf ,Polo and Frestyle, we arranged a lot of expeditions, the last in Xmas 2012 in Mexico with our Exo Creek Team, in 2012 we met Daniele Molmenti, Slalom Gold Medal in London, and now even Daniele is part of our Team and he was in Mexico with us.




Vincent Thepaut / Owner and KS Waveskis shaper

Name: Vincent THEPAUT
Address: BIDART, basque cost
Surfing since: 1983
Other sports you practice: shaping !!!! no time for the rest : swiming, montain bike, river kayak..
KS foundation: 1996

Describe us KS Waveski...
It's a waveski (and surfboards) Brand create by myself in 1996 from nothing because of a leak of waveski products (it was too hard to get boards or gear in France and Europe in the end 80's). I was shaping since 1989 for myself and few friends. I have been travelling oversea since 1992 and met many riders and shapers ; Christo, Kola, Nicky Cartens, Neil Decker, Macski... some of them had share some tips or some templates (thanks nicky) with me when we had worked together.

What major differences has KS regarding other brands ?
Its hard to say but the main shaping differences or what make the board popular all over the world, are the rails (usually quite thin) and how I can ditribute the volume as good as possible. I use to say that the most important on a board are good rails. my hull combinaison is a important point too : it's a synthesis about of all that has been done for a waveski (some vee, some concave, some bevelled, some flat sections ..)

About the making and general look of the board : the difference was that I was shaping like a surfboard shaper with foam blank with a wood stringer in it, and painting deco on foam, and using hi quality clear epoxy for the lamination. so the look was very close from a surfboard and you could see the quality. maybe that last point is why I have been so popular, I always look after quality and I am very involved in the sport.

At least we can say KS is 3 time Open world champion, 8 time women world champion , many other titles in junior and new age.. and europeans... and national (but too much I don't remember) nearly every year... it helps !!! thanks to the riders !

And specifically about shaping... how did KS boards evoluted ?
As I said before, I had travel, compete and met people, so I have been influenced by others but mostly by Christo and Nicky. My design is a synthesis of their but update with what was and is on market now. so step by step, there is evolution; sometimes in the design, sometimes in the making but it coulds be only very small details that most of the people cannot see. My work on surfboards had also influence me and I could learn more working on different boards. On the making, I heve been doing classic fiber epoxy or carbon rails recently. I start from 2011 too to make some vacum sandwich, and it became a succes with Virgile Humbert, Open world champion in Portugal with this type of waveski.

Present us the ONE 155 What is the main market target with this board ?
The ONE 155 is a waveski for beguinner until 100 kg. the target is to make every kind of people discover the waveski surfing. The goal was to improve what was the reference before so the Slide (master). the ONE 155 have a lower gravity center and is wider with better seat and footwell. the epoxy making is stronger and lighter and the finish can be done with EVA foam skin (soft top) for school or paint for public.

At last, the accessories have been improved with 2 version : initiation with thight knee straps or evolution with footstraps and seatbelt. the knew strap are to be easier for those who are afraid of the seat belt (not to release !) and to be closest to SOT practising. after all, if you improve yourself and get confident with the board, you can evoluate more with footstrap and belt. About riding it, it's interesting because despite the width of the ONE 155 he can go easily on the rail and turn well thanks to the big Vee/ double concave. You feel more confident and comfortable on the ONE 155 with the lower position and its easy to eskimo roll with the knee straps. Improvement is on price too and the ratio quality / price is very good.

What other surprises will we have from KS on 2013 ?
I am working now on a new model for the range ONE. it will be smaller for lighter riders or better skilled, same target as Slide super with same type of improvements like on the ONE 155. the target of this model is riders with a smaller body or already pratising waveski or kayak, so kayak club could be interest in that profile. As on ONE 155, you will be able to have the 2 versions of accessories, and the 2 type of finish. Next step is to make a network so people can find a full range in shops or clubs. Prototype is already done and is going to be test soon before going to production. Other project for 2013, is to make new production model but on a intermediate range as the performance custom model. Same policy as before, better quality and price, good accessories and short delay. The main reason for that is waveski is growing step by step and I have more and more orders and work in the factory for customs.

I have only 2 hands and a brain.. and cannot work as a machine to answer people with custom making. Most of the everage riders will be happy to have quickly a board, with a wood sandwich and affordable ! it will be suitable to many size of riders because of an ajustable footblock..At last at the same time, I still work on custom orders at the factory and few vacum sandwich boards for team riders.

How many athletes made part of KS Team ?
I have many differents riders from different country, nearly 10 : 2011 world champion Virgile Humbert is on the top of the list, with Clement Guilbert, winner of 2012 french cup and Nathan Le Bars, best junior in 2012 and vice young world champion. My best girl, is Coralie Jousset and I am master on a podium ! There is still some historic rider as Julien Billard, vice world champion 2006, or Malan Calitz from RSA, finalist at 2009 world titles. For Ireland, Marty Mc Cann is challenging senior division as much as Italian newcomer Stefano Bellotti in new age since 2011. Arthur schott, a spectacular rider from Reunion island, is living in France now so I hope he could keep competing around France and Europ next year. 2013 team list is not close yet, but I can give two new name: Tony Cherry from NZ / AUS and Sam Jones from UK.

How do you see waveski evolution worldwide?
On world scale, I think if we want to developp our sport, we should do things and organise bigger event with the surfkayak , but organisation, rules and categories have to be simple, so everybody can join us. I estimate the world population practising waveski surfing between 2000 to 3000 maybe 5000 with surf kayak practising. many people have been trying once waveski but only 300 or 400 are practising really often for freesurf or to compete. I think that if market can improve we will see more production model easier and cheaper, so able to spread all over the world. we are not too far from SUP board market so it's possible to grow... this is a private or commercial developpment model but things can evoluate too with public community developpement as clubs with instructor (kayak federation). this model is very important if we still want to have young riders .. usually it's the only way for them to practise because they cannot afford the board and gear themself...and need olders to teach and to bring them to the beach.

Do you know Portugal?
I have been to Portugal twice, most of the time around Ericiera. not enought for me, whenyou see how many good reef break you can surf. it's really amazing how many good waves there is in Portugal althought I saw only less that 10 % of what you have... I was in Santa cruz for the 2011 world titles during the ocean spirit festival. I was in Ericiera for the Euro contets we have done last year. during this 2 events we had waves all the time...

Did you planed to go till Brasil 2013 Worlds?
No, I had planed South Africa next year. now (after the cancel of brasil worlds) there is no more questions !! it's a not good news for waveski but all this make in fact people try to comunicate more on networks and try to hold their sport themself.

From few year now, kayaksurf.net have been the only media / site on internet for surf kayak and waveski, so its very important because its a big link to every riders all over the world. With video production as SubGraviti (Xaver Walser) it is the best in our world. Now all this combine with facebook, it start to be something significant..

Last words...
I hope surfkayak and waveski could mix themself more in the future, and I hope that many people will try waveski with easy models like the ONE on a side of kayak or SUP praticing. ...all these is about paddle sport ! have a good surf !!