

Iberian Cup Winner 2012 / Kayaksurf IC

Paulo Simões is one of the most regular athletes in all the kayaksurf events in Portugal. Regulars from the first kayaksurf contests in Peniche, passing the Session's in Figueira da Foz, the athlete from Club Infante de Montemor, also has marked presence in Basque and Galician surfkayaking competitions. His aptitude for sports made in a doctor in Sport Psychology (he's a high-school teacher).

In this context, has collaborated with the Canoe Portuguese Federation in training as well with Figueira Kayak Club. At 42 years old, Paulo Simões had a great 2012: he won the Iberian Cup in IC class, vice-champion IC in the portuguese circuit; vice-Champion Master IC in Mundaka and still managed 4th place in HP at the Iberian Cup and Portuguese Circuit. Read one more conversation with the athlete that after a year of intense competition with some injuries in the middle, is alreday preparing this year's season for sure ;)




Vice-Champion Kayakurf HP / Iberian CUP 2012

Jose Piñeiro had a full year. Participated in emblematic kayaksurf international contests - California, Mundaka, Peniche, Pantin - and at the end of 2102, the best prize was yet to come ... the future champion Mauro Piñeiro, just born in December in the same day of Bastiagueiro Kayaksurf Championship. It will be a good year to remember for this Galician technical architect who, at weekends, always arranges a few hours to have fun in the water with fellow Club Razo Kayaksurf. When the schedule permits, Jose did not lose the opportunity to visit Portugal. It is a usual visit of our coast and a regular attendance on our contests and national events. When it comes to its base, in Carballo, he updats all his experiences in his the blog - costadamortekayaksurf - which has one of the most creative logos! It’s one more wave surfer that talks with kayaksurf.net. Below, some of his best sportive achievements. Congratulations Jose!

Santa Cruz Ocean Spirit, Portugal: 3º Kayaksurf HP Master
Copa España: 2º
Campeonato Galego: 2º
Copa del Mundo: 10º

Open Bastiagueiro, Galicia: 1º Kayaksurf HP

26th Santa Cruz Paddle Fest, USA: 9º Kayaksurf HP
X Mundaka Txapelketa, Basque Country: 1º Kayaksurf HP Master
1ª Etapa CNKW Peniche, Portugal: 13º Kayaksurf HP
III Open Razo, Galicia: 1º Kayaksurf HP
Xtreme Pantín, Galicia: 9º Kayaksurf HP e Trofeo Onda Brava
3ª Etapa CNKW Peniche, Portugal: 1º Kayaksurf HP
Open Bastiaguerio, Galicia: 5º Kayaksurf HP
Copa Ibérica: 2º Kayaksurf HP




Andy McCLelland / World Surfkayak IC Junior Champion 2011

Name: Andy McClelland`
Age: 17
Address: Portrush, Northern Ireland
Occupation: Student
Paddle since: 2004
Other sports: Badminton, waveski, sailing
Canoe Club: Causeway Coast Kayaking Association,

Sponsors: Mega, Yak, Gath, Robson Paddles, Coleraine Chiropractic, Aloe Burst
Website / Facebook: www.nisurfkayak.com

Main sportive achievements:

1st World Championships Junior IC 2011
3rd World Championships Junior HP 2011
1st Mundaka Championships Junior IC 2009, 2010, 2011

Mega Phantom
Mega Trident
Robson Fluid
Yak cag, buoyancy aid and spraydeck
Gath helmet


USA Kayaksurf Worlds 2011:
I had a great time in America, It was a lovely place and the people were all so friendly which made it really nice. We had consistent surf throughout the competition and the organisers did a great job especially considering they had to move it in short notice with the hurricane! I even had a trip to hospital when I was out there when another kayaker dropped in on me and landed on my head!

World kayaksurf scene:
Its really exciting to see the standard of surf kayaking getting better and better every year. With boat design evolving too with different hulls, fin set up etc that is helping the sport grow.

Future perspectives:
I would love to continue what I am doing, surfing because I am enjoying it, traveling to different competitions and meeting great people!

Australia 2013:
I am really excited that the Worlds are going to Australia in 2013, it is somewhere I have always wanted to go! Australia will be my first year in the men’s so I am looking forward to the challenge. I hear the Sheila’s are nice too!

Kayaksurf.net is always the first stop when I go on the internet, Luis does such a great job, keeping updated with all the events are going on and keeping everyone up to date with the latest videos and photo’s.

Last words:
Thanks a lot luis for continuing to provide kayaksurf.net, it’s a great resource! Thanks to my sponsors, coaches and everyone that helps me out.. and thanks to my mum and dad!