


Name: Tracy J Sherrington
Nationality: Scottish
Occupation: Outdoor Education Lecturer

Competition records:
Scottish Champion since 1997
World HP Champion, Santa Cruz, USA 2001
World Long Boat Champion, Basque Country 2007.

Paddling experience:
I have been involved in paddle sports since 1988; I have River kayaked and surfed in many countries. Started competitive surf kayaking at the World Champs in Thurso, Scotland in 1997 and absolutely loved it! I am a Level 4 Coach Inland Kayak and the worlds only Lady Level 5 Surf Kayak Coach which I love doing!!

Sponsors: Reed Chill Cheater, Lendal Paddles and talking to more.

North Glasgow Colleges' Personal Development Programme in conjunction with The Princes Trust Scotland gave £150 each to our juniors Tom Ford and Greg Miller to assist with the cost of being part of the Scottish Team at the World Championships in Mundaka which they would not have been able to participate without – THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH TO John Montgomery for organising this.

Hi Tracy. First of all, congratulations for your victory in Basque Country! World Champion! Did you ever thought that this contest run so well for you?
No – I have been plagued by injuries for the last few years - from a thumb double dislocation which in 2004 meant I couldn't surf for a year and a half and had to miss the champs in Costa Rica - to the joints in my pelvis and spine being out of place due to a skiing crash in April 2007! But during that time I have been coaching continuously which helps you to keep connected to the waves.

How is kayaksurf in Scotland?
Surf kayaking in Scotland is fantastic – I love the North Coast – we have brilliant reefs, uncrowded beaches and great Islands off the west coast to explore. Our surf areas have wonderful scenery and wildlife; the areas are also really unpopulated and unspoilt although it is beginning to get busy with travelling board surfers now! We can run surfing courses for 5 days and never meet another person out on the water! Some people might say that it is cold but this is really only during Jan – April! (Normally my snow skiing season). We have a bunch of really friendly and keen surf kayakers in Scotland and a long history of highly skilled competitors including several World champions from various categories. We are only really just getting into surfing with small kayaks as they do not really suit the big waves that we get on the Reefs at Thurso. So watch out at the next world champs in Portugal!

You were in Ireland in 2003... what differences do you see between that time and the nowadays kayaksurf?
The main differences I can see from Ireland in 2003 to Basque Country 2007 are the importance that end moves seemed to play in scoring points – people seemed to be winning heats for how spectacular the end move was and how much of a beating you could take in the beach dump as opposed to any surfing that had been involved in the ride. The long boat short boat only categories was new - which for me was a bit weird as now you have to go out in conditions in a boat which isn't suited to that sort of wave on that sort of day! I am not sure yet if this is a move in the right direction as it has taken away your choice and decision making which should be part of your tactics.

Now about this World Kayaksurf Championship...did you made any special training for this competition?
I had been sitting my level 5 coach assessment the year leading up to the world champs so as part of my coaching programme in the summer of 2006, I took one of my long term students from Scotland, on a surf trip in my van all the way from Basque country around the coast and down into Portugal and back this took us 5 weeks. We explored the beaches and surfed our way along and back up. We met loads of good people, had a great laugh and visited Bakio and Mundaka to tune into the area. I did a lot of coaching but not much surfing due to my injury which happened the very last day of my 4 month long ski season in the Alps. I think I was able to do well in some of my heats due to already having been a technically good surfer, through spending lots of time coaching people for competition and taking lots and lots of pain killers also helped as did my team looking after me!!!

Main ideas about this championship: what did you like the most?
I liked the really friendly atmosphere at the champs. Most of the Scottish Team had never been at a big competition before and were really apprehensive but they all absolutely loved it - they enjoyed meeting new surfing people and watching great surfing the only down side was the intimidating beach dump which with our quality waves in Scotland we would not normally have to paddle in conditions like this!!!!!

Aspects that should be reviewed next time...
I think for next time having the ability for everyone all being able to stay around the same area and getting help before hand with the accommodation would be really beneficial. Also being able to keep the cost of the entry fees down as this almost excluded some of our team due to the expense .

Tell us the gear you used to win this World Champ: kayak, paddle, helmet and PFD
This year I paddled my Carbon Kevlar foam core Double Dutch Screamer Long Boat – Neil Baxter made me it as the lightest boat he had ever made. My paddle is a Neil Baxter made Lendal Carbon bade and shaft. As for the rest of my gear it was really old Kogg gear which was all made to measure in Scotland at the time but the company has gone bust so for now on Reed Chill Cheater is going to sponsor me and make me made to measure gear. I think this is really important as it is really hard to get padding gear to fit girls properly and still be really functional.

Where do you feel more comfortable surfing... IC or HP?
I think of it as long and short as opposed to IC and HP. I love my long boat as it is so versatile for coaching in and comfortable even with a really sore back I can still sit in it and really enjoy my surfing, I couldn't do this in my short boat! So I am awaiting a new short boat from Malcolm at Mega which should be more comfortable.

And in 2009, the World Championship will be, for the first time, in Portugal. Satisfyed with the decision?
I think this will be great. I have never been to this part of Portugal so I am really looking forward to the Scottish team getting over there and surfing in some warm water! I think if the organisers can ensure security it should all go well.

Your mentors in kayaksurf are...
The Scottish Team – I have spent time coaching and encouraging a lot of the guys in the team and when I was suffering with my back pain they really really were fantastic in looking after me, putting up with me moaning, motivating me and making me laugh!! My Husband Ian, who I surf with all the time and who was my Level 5 coach mentor, is great he knows when to give me a kick up the arse, when to stay away and not to complain at me for my endless surf trips away! The old boys of the surf in Scotland - Jock Young, John Ingles and Neil Baxter for always encouraging me, looking after my equipment and making me go out on the reefs at Thurso when it is MASSIVE and last but not least my Outdoor colleagues and Outdoor students at North Glasgow College, who are very supportive and told me that I'd better win or they would never let me live it down and I would let them down!! One of the girls called "Squeak"" kept sending texts telling me to stop whinging about my sore back and to "MAN UP and get on with it!" The finals were one year after the day my Dad passed away and I though a lot about him as he always knew I was a water baby and was very proud of me.

Your favourite paddling spot is...
North Coast of Bonnie Scotland .

Did you knew kayaksurf.net ?
Yes – Very good, well done!

Final words to all that read this few lines...
I can't wait to get my injuries fixed so I can get out carving it up performing at more than 40% for a change!! I am looking forward to my new wee Megs boat arriving and really going for it at the end of the ski season when I hope to start surfing again. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Home International Competition in Portugal in October 2008.

Love your surfing

Tracy S xxxxxxxxxx

Thanks Tracy! Meet you in Portugal!

Interview: luis pedro abreu / kayaksurf.net
Published: 15.02.08
Photos: Ian Sherrington