


Name: Chris Hobson
Age: 22
Occupation: Laminator at Mega Surfkayaks
Address: Currently in Bude, Cornwall

Competition records:
06 junior World cup champion
07 junior ic World champion
08 mens British Champion
08 european U21 waveski champion
09 7th place World championships
10 2nd place Santa Cruz surf kayak festival, California
11 1st place Mundaka championships
11 1st St.Ives Bay
11 2nd Black Rock Festival

Paddling experience:
I have been paddling from I could walk, predominantly river paddling, but started kayak surfing at the age of 11 at Easkey, Ireland. Since then I have been very fortunate, with help from family, friends and sponsors to travel to some amazing places around the world to surf and compete.

Mega Surf Kayaks www.surfkayaks.com
Nookie Paddle Equipment www.nookie.co.uk
Robson Paddles www.robsonpaddle.de
Gath www.gathsports.com
Sport Northern Ireland www.sportni.net

Kayak – Mega Proton + Mega Trident
Vests - Nookie TI Vest, paddle shorts, surf skirt, paddle socks
Helmets – Gath
Paddle – Robson Fluid
Personal Website: on facebook

Hello Chris! First of all... congratulations for this great year of competitions!! Tell us your best scores of this year...
So far this year, placed 2nd in the Blackrock Surf festival, 1st in the St.Ives bay contest, and 1st in the Mundaka European Championships. I also organised and managed the Celtic Cup in Bude, Cornwall, I am planning on making this an annual event.

We know that now you're working full-time in Mega Surfkayaks. What exactly do you do?
At Mega, I have been very lucky and been shown the ropes fairly quickly. My role there is to do anything from laminating to testing new designs, a bit of everything.

Now, about surfkayaks... Boost and Proton are the new toys in the block. What differences do you point between them?
I guess for me, the biggest differences would be the size, and the speed! The Proton is alot more spacious, and can be comfortably paddled by anyone up to 18 stone, and 6'4” tall, so I am quite light to be paddling it. It feels significantly faster, predominantly due to its extra width and flatness.

You co-designed with Malcolm the Proton... satisfied with the results?
Very satisfied! It is definitely my boat of choice!

A few weeks ago I saw one video with a very little Chris in a competition ;) How do you see the evolution of surfkayaking worldwide?
That was probably my first ever competition, at Easkey left. From then there has been a huge leap in the standard of surfkayaking around the world, being pushed higher and higher with every competition and every new kayak that comes on the market. It is hard to know how the sport will evolve, but I would like to see it progress to a more professional sport, with more corporate sponsors and professional athletes.

When we see your moves, they really seem to be easy for you ;) How often do you practice?
During the winter I was lucky to get out once a week, but now the evenings are longer, If the surf is good I try to get on the water 4/5 times a week. Time spent on the water is better than any amount of gym work in my opinion.

For example... this great video you have - Sandymouth Surf - how do you that???? Lots of training or is it just fluid in your surf...
That was a nice quiet evening, one of my first after work surfs of the year. in my opinion, its all down to time on the water, and experience in kayaking. Although I am still young, I came from a kayaking family, and have 18 years kayaking experience, and I feel that really helps.

What are your aspirations in this sport?
Really just for the sport to continue growing, the designs to evolve, and to fend off the up and coming juniors for as long as possible!

And about the right surfkayak for each person... what kind of advices do you give...
Seek advice from the manufacturer, and try as many as you can! Try every model you can squeeze yourself into until you find the one is best for you.

I suppose your favourite one is the Proton... but, besides that one, best surfkayaks for you are:
Mega neutron, I had this model for 4 years, it rides well in all conditions, and is really comfortable. then the boost for its manoverability, speed and slashy style of surfing. For international class I have a trident, gives you lots of grip until you want to release and throw a huge slash!

Best memories you have from 2009 Worlds in Portugal...
Memories from Portugal.. I haven't very many, the night life was too good!! Probably the scale, and atmosphere of the whole event, it was by far my favourite event so far. I also have great memories from a trip I took to Ericera and Santa Cruz for the 'P10' filming trip.

Your favourite riders…
Sam Davenport, Aidan Brackenbury, Steve Farthing and Edu Etxeberria and of course Marc Woolward, his wipeouts entertain my alot!! Aidan Brackenbury, hes good to watch, definitely up and coming, worth watching at this years worlds. I like the people who are being innovative but there are so many people who I like to watch surf, and admire...

And the Worlds in Outer Banks... what are your objectives?
My objectives... I can't give away the game plan just yet! There might be a suprise in the pipeline.....

When will you come to Portugal again?
Possibly for the Ocean Spirit event in August, if not I will definitely be back for another surf trip soon!

Do you follow kayaksurf.net?
Of course, where else would I hear the news??

Let us some suggestions to those who want to start kayaksurf...
Just get out there, get wet, and have fun!!

Thanks Chris!! All the best for USA ;)



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